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But... What is MEGIE really about?

"We tried to design a program that, on the one hand, takes advantage of the university's existing skills and, on the other hand, meets a latent demand from some students at the end of the first cycle (...) besides, it is also a need that we identified in the employers themselves: to have people with some qualifications more directed to this area".


"I think that overall this will be a very practical master's degree. At least that will be the philosophy and the incentive that we will pass on to the other faculty members."


Miguel Preto, MEGIE coordinator

The Master's in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a master's program offered by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon, Portugal. Its purpose is to form highly qualified professionals in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, with a solid foundation in engineering and business management knowledge.


The program combines the fundamentals of engineering with principles of management and entrepreneurship, empowering students to develop and implement innovative solutions in different sectors and contexts.


Throughout the master's program, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in areas such as strategic innovation management, product development, startup creation, economics, marketing, project management and others.


Also, group dynamics are present in almost every curricular unit, which provides students with strong social skills for their future.


While promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, this master's program focuses on the importance that ethical and sustainable principles should have on every business.


Many curricular units will challenge students to come up with profitable ideas whilst contributing to a more sustainable future, which is one of the highlights that makes this master's so distinguishable. 


What are MEGIE graduates doing?

It is important to see what it means to be a graduate from MEGIE  in real life. What jobs are people taking? In what ways does MEGIE provide students with skills for the working life? If you want to find out, make sure to read the feedback from our alumni.

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"At the moment I am working as a Sustainability and Climate Change Consultant at Auren, a multinational consulting and other professional services company. My responsibilities included process improvement projects, implementation of new technological tools and training of their users, leading the process dematerialization project, among others. I feel that the scope of the master's gave me transversal skills that help directly or indirectly in my work, such as the ability to deconstruct innovation processes.  Moreover, the possibility to participate in optional UCs related to Sustainability and the completion of a thesis focused on Eco-design and Circular Economy, undoubtedly helped me realize that this was the path I wanted to follow."

Manuel Aires

"I am currently working at Vodafone, in the product development area as Product Manager. I'm part of a team that manages the Media product area for companies like Interactive Hospitality Television, Digital Signage Solution and Queue Management Solution. During the Masters we participated and studied a lot the subject of product development and all its aspects. The ideation, optimization and positioning of a product are all areas that I identified with, and I have tried to continue my professional career in this area. The Product Manager function has very strong responsibilities in these product development phases, and in my day-to-day I interact with different areas from Marketing, Engineering, Legal, IT, Compliance, which I think are areas that we will be dealing with throughout the Masters."

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Francisco Morganho

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